"Benefits of Technology Integration in a Small Behavioral Health Organi" by Tremaria Sweet

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)




Kristen Chesser


The current study sought to understand the significance of information systems (IS) planning in small-to-medium enterprise (SME) behavioral health agencies and the direct impact it has on organizational growth and performance. The research was guided by the Baldrige Excellence Framework. The study was based on a sample of one senior leader from one agency licensed to practice in three states in the eastern region of the United States. This exploratory case study involved using semi-structured interviews and internal archival data during the process of data collection. Information technology (IT) competence, skills, leadership, infrastructure, and awareness were emergent themes identified in research. Through an extensive search of literature, the study found that leadership IT competence and leadership IT skills are critical to improving efficiency, productivity, and performance in a behavioral health SME context. Study finding led to a recommendation for leaders of SME agencies to increase their IT knowledge, contemplate employing the technology-organization-environment framework, and implement lean management. The positive social change impact of IS planning for behavioral health leaders of SMEs is increases in client satisfaction, technology cost reductions, and increased profitability. Furthermore, behavioral health leaders are impacted due to better treatment outcomes, efficiency, growth, competitive advantage, and expanded access to mental health treatment.
