"Impact of Electricity on Industrial Output in Nigeria: A Systems Persp" by Chidi Vincent Ike

Date of Conferral







Aridaman Jain, Marcia Steinhauer


Lack of access to electricity, both in quantity and quality, has been a recurring problem in Nigeria. Scholars have investigated the relationship between electricity consumption and economic development with diverse outcomes, but they have not considered the subsystems that constitute the electricity delivery system. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between monthly industrial output in Nigeria and available monthly power generation capacity, available monthly power transmission capacity, and monthly power distribution capability. Systems theory was the theoretical framework for this study. Data were collected on the monthly industrial output and operational data on electric utilities in Nigeria from 2015 to 2020 to constitute a population size of 72 months. The result indicated capacity incongruencies across the power supply value chain. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed no statistically significant correlation between generation capacity and transmission capacity, and there was a negative but not statistically significant correlation between transmission capacity and distribution capability. The results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that the linear combination of the independent variables statistically significantly predicted industrial output in the regression model; however, only distribution capability had a statistically significant correlation with industrial output. The results of this study support policy development for improved electricity supply that will boost the competitiveness of local industries, leading to economic growth and reduced poverty due to more employment opportunities, thus contributing to positive social change.
