"Understanding District Assemblywomen Participation in District Assembl" by Ranney B. Jackson

Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Gearld P. Regier


Abstract The problem addressed in this study is that there is no deep understanding of the perspectives of the Assemblywomen of Ghana regarding their participation in the District Assemblies Common Fund (Common Fund) in Ghana. This qualitative case study aimed to explore and understand the perspectives of the assemblywomen’s participation in decisions of the Common Fund regarding development initiatives in their districts. The study used two theoretical frameworks, citizen participation theory and a sequential theory of decentralization, to provide better insights into the existence of this gap. The critical finding derived from an analysis of interviewing 25 assembly members is that the assemblywomen play no role in the decision-making process of the Common Fund. This finding led to the recommendation that the government provides 30% seats for women in the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to fill this participation gap. This analysis showed that the District assemblies are far from accomplishing President Rawlings’ decentralization policy. Nevertheless, with the implementation of the recommendation to increase the number of assemblywomen in the assemblies, there is a good chance that such an increase will increase the number of assemblywomen and their participation, thus bringing about positive social change.

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