Date of Conferral







John Harrison


Teacher turnover continues to contribute negatively to academic achievement of a majority of turnaround schools serving students with low socioeconomic status, and many school leaders lack effective strategies to reduce teacher turnover, especially during the school turnaround process. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies, behaviors, and practices used by turnaround principals in reducing teacher turnover during school turnaround. The framework for this study was based on Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene theory. The population in the study consisted of eight school principals who have implemented effective strategies that increased teacher retention in turnaround schools. Data were collected from the participants using semistructured interviews and review of organizational documents to answer the research question designed to understand the strategies, behaviors, and practices used to reduce turnover. Collected data were organized and analyzed using thematic analysis method. Three themes discovered from the study were (a) providing meaningful leadership support, (b) building positive relationships, and (c) creating a healthy working environment. The study findings revealed behaviors, practices, and strategies that other turnaround leaders can use to reduce teacher turnover and improve student achievement and organization sustainability. The implications for social change include providing knowledge and insight for other turnaround leaders on how to reduce teacher turnover, improve student achievement, and increase organization sustainability, which could improve the socioeconomic status of both the students and the community at large
