Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Richard H. Worch


Police officers in Lagos State, Nigeria lack information on how to prepare for performance improvement that may enhance their knowledge on the requisite skills needed to protect lives and property. The purpose of the study was to understand this problem, and the central research question for the study was used to address how police officers may enhance their knowledge on the requisite skills necessary to protect lives and property in Lagos State, Nigeria. This qualitative exploratory case study used human competence model as extension of behavioral engineering system and recruited 15 participants. Yin’s five steps of (a) data compilation, (b) data disassembly, (c) data reassembly, (d) data interpretation, and (e) data conclusion were used to analyze the data. Key findings of the study include attending annual continuous improvement training and courses on strategic leadership; internal and external appraisal system; effective mentor and mentee relationship without recourse to tribal sentiments; discipline and understanding the acts and principles of police performance; and timely, accurate, and relevant processing of performance data in the police force. The positive social change implication of this study included providing study findings that leadership of police force in Nigeria may adopt for delivering services that influence political, economic, social, and technological change in the law enforcement agencies.
