"The Connection Between Pain, Perceived Disability, Emotional/Behaviora" by Penny Renee Drake

Date of Conferral







Brandy Benson


With more than 100 million Americans living in chronic pain (CP), there is a growing need for better and more effective pain management strategies. CP can result from an injury, disease, or an emotional or psychological issue. The purpose of this quantitative, nonexperimental study using a multiple linear regression procedure was to determine if CP patients’ perception of their disability as measured by the Personality Assessment Screener (PAS) and their emotional and/or behavioral problems as measured by the Oswestry Disability Index predict their satisfaction with their pain management regimen as measured by the researcher-produced instrument Survey of Satisfaction with Pain Management Regimen (SSPMR). The theoretical framework underlying this study was Hochman et al.’s health belief model (HBM) revised in the context of Bandura’s social cognitive theory by Rosenstock et al. The key research question inquired as to whether a CP patient’s perceived disability with pain and emotional and behavioral problems predict the patient’s satisfaction with their pain management regimen. A total of 80 individuals completed electronic surveys. The results revealed that the PAS element “acting out” was a statistically significant predictor of a patients’ length of time with CP and that PAS element “health problems” was a statistically significant predictor of the degree to which a person’s CP has changed their life. Age and gender have significantly predicted some of the PAS and SSPMR variables. The results of this study could promote positive social change by sharing professional insight to pain management physicians, thus, allowing them to create more effective pain management strategies.
