"Socioecological Determinants of Psychoticism Among Central-Asian Immig" by Viktor Dlugunovych

Date of Conferral







Leslie E. Barnes-Young


Every year, thousands of individuals from every country and every walk of life arrive in the United States in hopes of better lives for themselves and their families. A significant portion of immigrants arrives from Central Asia countries, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Stress associated with the process of uprooting in the country of origin and adaptation in the country of destination often makes newcomers vulnerable to developing mental health illnesses. The purpose of this work was to analyze relationships between psychoticism, psychological comorbidities, and psychosocial factors. This study used archival data that included 195 cases of individuals who immigrated from Central Asian countries to the United States. Statistical analysis included multiple linear regression, hierarchical multiple regression, and analysis of mediation. The analyses used psychoticism as the dependent variable, whereas interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive-compulsiveness, and hostility were independent variables of the group of psychological comorbidities. Psychosocial variables included age of immigration, gender of participants, and English language proficiency. The study found that the independent variables interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive-compulsiveness, hostility, gender, and English language proficiency were statistically significant predictors of psychoticism. The secondary analysis identified a full mediating effect of the independent variable obsessive compulsiveness on another independent variable, interpersonal sensitivity. The findings contribute to positive social change and to the field of mental health and public policies, informing stakeholders about risk and protecting factors of serious, persistent mental illness among immigrants from Central Asia.

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