"Community-Based HIV Prevention Strategies for African American Men Who" by Dean Michael Aguon

Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Steven Matarelli


The success of community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide HIV prevention services depends on strong evaluations to ensure the effective use of resources for HIV prevention strategies. However, there is lack of frameworks or process models to provide best practices for implementing HIV interventions by CBOs, and there is a gap in understanding regarding interventions focused on reducing HIV among African American men who have sex with men (MSM). This study addressed CBO employees’ lived experiences within a single organization in Las Vegas, examining program creation, implementation, and measurable outcomes for the African American MSM population, which the research question was designed to answer. Mohr’s program evaluation theory was used to analyze the CBO strategies in HIV prevention. A participatory approach was used to aid in the qualitative analysis process and assess CBO program impact. Five CBO employees provided information regarding why African American MSM continue to experience a high rate of HIV infection. The results illustrated three themes: (a) relationships, (b) resources, and (c) messaging. The findings point to the importance of ensuring the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS programs specific to African American MSM. New insights from the study may bring positive social change by influencing policies and procedures as CBO leaders seek to improve the impact of their organizations on the communities they serve.
