"Exploring Critical Success Factors for Military Professionalization of" by Coet Conley

Date of Conferral







Judith L. Forbes


Operational and tactical military leaders do not have enough information about how to professionalize land-based military force. The purpose of this exploratory case study was to examine how to professionalize land-based military forces. The conceptual framework that grounded the study were military diplomacy, the resource based theory of construct strategic management and principal agent theory. Interviews of 10 former senior U.S. military officers were conducted to identify objectives and their supporting critical success factors (CSFs) for the military professionalization program. Eight themes emerged from the coding categories related to critical success factors (CSFs): (a) discipline, (b) accountability, (c) technical expertise, (d) technical support, (e) education, (f) effective professional standards, (g) culture, and (h) desire to change. Recommendations for future research include (a) executing a detailed assessment of each of the CSFs and determine what would be required to measure each achievement, (b) repeating this study methodology in a different location with different study participants, (c) performing this study with an expanded participant pool. The study may contribute to positive social change by highlighting the respect for human rights, accountability under the law, and respect for civilian executive control of the military.
