"Identifying Factors Associated With Rapid Readmissions in Behavioral H" by Glennisha Maxwell

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)




Dr. Eugene Meyer


Healthcare reform and changes to traditional reimbursement models have placed increasing pressure on healthcare industry leaders to identify ways of remaining competitive while responding to the challenge of reducing excessive costs. Behavioral health organizations are included in this systemic challenge, and rapid readmissions have been identified as one significant contributor to increasing and unsustainable costs. A qualitative case-study design was used to identify factors associated with rapid readmissions in an inpatient psychiatric hospital. The research problem centered on insufficient information about the rapid readmission population of the inpatient psychiatric hospital involved in the study. Methodological triangulation of data was achieved via semi structured individual interviews with senior leaders, in addition to a retrospective review of administrative and clinical records. The Baldrige Excellence Framework was used to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s effectiveness and strategic context related to providing inpatient psychiatric care. Results indicated opportunities for improvement in using existing patient data to inform treatment decisions and the need for further coordination of care between service providers. Recommendations involved the creation of specific policies and procedures targeted for the readmission population. The results may help behavioral health leaders identify how to improve care while utilizing existing best practices to respond to legislative and reimbursement changes. Reducing readmission rates work toward positive social change as inpatient psychiatric readmission rates have placed an unsustainable financial burden on the national healthcare system.

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Psychology Commons
