"Psychological Distress as a Predictor of Methamphetamine Use Among Rac" by Sundra Barnett Allen

Date of Conferral







Stacy Sprague


AbstractThe scope and magnitude of methamphetamine (MA) use among racial minority women (RMW) created pivotal health concerns due to its highly addictive nature. Despite much available research, the problem of psychological distress (PD) as an attribute of MA use among RMW remained as a gap in the literature. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relevancy between PD and MA use among RMW to determine if distress predicts MA use among this population. The attributes of PD, as defined in the K6, are nervousness, restlessness, hopelessness, feelings of sadness or depression, feelings that suppress effort, and a sense of worthlessness. Archival information was taken from the 2013 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The research questions query whether an association between PD and MA use exists among RMW, using the six attributes found in the K6. The target population for this study included scores of 8,688 RMW who took the K6 provided in the NSDUH. Using a quantitative logistic regression design, the focus of the study was on the correlation between PD and MA, yielding insight into their predictability among RMW. The resulting five null hypotheses were tested and determined to be significant. These results align with Lazarus’ theory of psychological stress and coping. The effectiveness of this information, if put to good use in the practice of scholar practitioners and healthcare professionals, will begin a new trend in mental healthcare for MA drug addiction, thereby enhancing positive societal transformation for RMW around the world.
