Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




CHERYL W. McGinnis


Abstract Staff Education on Diabetes Self-Management for Patients by Gloria Okoye MSN, Walden University, 2016 BSN, Walden University, 2015 Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice Walden University May 2021 Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that poses health and financial burdens to patients, families, and society. An outpatient clinic in the Southeastern United States noted a gap in staff knowledge on diabetes self-management education for high-risk, diabetic patients. The purpose of the project was to educate clinical staff on lifestyle modification practices so that they could better educate diabetic patients. Bandura’s social learning theory was used to support the project. Staff education was aimed at improving nurses’ skills and knowledge of diabetes management practices. Educational content was developed using the American Diabetes Association guidelines and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Road to Health Toolkit. Three experts evaluated the education program content and agreed that the program was informative and applicable for clinical staff. The program was then presented to eight clinical nurses, including three registered nurses, three licensed practice nurses and two nurse practitioners. Pre- and posttest questionnaires, using a 5-point Likert-type questionnaire with a rating of strongly agree to strongly disagree, were used to evaluate the educational program. Pretest questionnaires were answered in the strongly disagree to neutral range by all participants; posttest results indicated knowledge improvement among the participants. Eight nurses answered strongly agree or agree on each post question, indicating the importance of lifestyle modifications for patients with diabetes. Given these results, the educational program supports social change by educating nurses on diabetes management practices to help their diabetic patients achieve improved clinical outcomes.

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