"Higher Education Administrators’ Experiences With Development of Facul" by Diane Cairns

Date of Conferral







Alice Eichholz


One of the barriers most often cited by higher education faculty impacting the professional development of their pedagogical skills is the lack of support from the administrators in their institution. Identifying barriers, opportunities for support, and an approach for quality teaching using pedagogical techniques may contribute to a sustainable approach to impact student learning outcomes. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to identify higher education administrators’ perceptions of barriers and support for the professional development of faculty pedagogical skills. The conceptual framework was based on Boyer’s scholarship of the professoriate model. A semistructured interview protocol was used to interview eight higher education administrators who had oversight and approval of funding for the professional development of faculty. Thematic analysis was used to identify, analyze, and report patterns to describe and interpret the data. Four themes emerged: policies and procedures, skill development opportunities, collaboration for skill development, and faculty recognition. Understanding the barriers and support for the professional development of faculty may lead to a positive social change in student learning outcomes through faculty’s advancement in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

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