Date of Conferral





Counselor Education and Supervision


Katarzyna Peoples


The visibility of the transgender community has grown in recent years. The purpose of the hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand and provide context to the experiences of parents whose children have transitioned from their assigned birth sex to their authentic gender identity. The theoretical framework used was Kubler Ross’ “Five Stages of Grief.” Participants were interviewed by using semi structured interviews on Zoom. A total of 6 people participated in my study. Common themes emerged as a result of my study, which parallel previous research studies. These themes included shock and denial, a sense of grief and loss, feelings of helplessness, acceptance, fear, internal conflict, and feelings of failure. Understanding the common themes, they relate to parents of transgender children is crucial for counselors who work with these families. When parents learn that their child is transgender, they may experience a wide range of emotions, including shock, denial, anger, guilt, sadness, and eventually acceptance. By understanding these challenges, counselors can anticipate the specific needs of parents at each stage and provide appropriate guidance and support. By validating emotions, facilitating emotional expression, anticipating challenges, empowering decision-making, and promoting acceptance, counselors can help parents navigate the complexities of their grief and develop a positive and supportive relationship with their transgender child.
