Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Colleen Paeplow


AbstractCulturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) is an approach to teaching that emphasizes teaching within the culture of the student. Culturally relevant pedagogy is proposed to help African American students increase reading achievement, yet research shows it is sometimes unclear to teachers how to implement CRP in their classrooms. Understanding teachers’ efficacy in using CRP and perceptions of CRP is important because it has been linked to increasing student reading achievement. A basic interpretive qualitative study was conducted using Bandura’s social learning theory (SLT) . In this study, 10 secondary school teachers and administrators were interviewed. All the participants in the study taught African American students which made them eligible to participate. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis and a priori coding. Data findings were validated through triangulation of data sources and external audits. The findings of this study can inform school administrators and be useful content within workshops and seminars. The major findings of the study revealed that teachers communicated high student expectations, promoted positive perspective of families, encouraged learning within the context of culture, and implemented active student-centered teaching methods. One emergent theme was the need for professional development (PD) for teachers on CRP. This PD can be used to foster positive social change by informing secondary school teachers on the effective use and implementation of CRP with the intent to increase African American students’ reading achievement. Increasing African American students’ reading achievement has the potential to benefit schools within the private parochial organization.
