Date of Conferral





Human Services


Andrew Carpenter


The utilization of mental health services for caregivers of hemophiliacs is an underserved area. Andersen’s behavioral model of utilization was the conceptual framework in this generic qualitative study. I used surveys and semi-structured interviews to obtain 20 participants’ information for nonprobability sampling, specifically purposive sampling. Narrative analysis was used as the foundation of the coding process The study findings revealed seven themes: cultural impact/stigma of mental health services; normalizing mental health services in the hemophilia community (national impact); inconsistencies in hemophilia treatment centers’ (HTCs’) service delivery; clarity of the role of the HTC social worker; member organizations emphasis on mental health (local impact); guilt and shame of seeking services because of “strength messaging”/resiliency of community (past generations had it worse so stop complaining/showing weakness); and ease of service delivery. Participants voiced a strong desire to utilize mental health services; but a great resistance to the stigma that comes along with it. The positive social change for caregivers includes the knowledge and resources of mental health services as part of their caregiving experiences.
