Childhood Obesity: Injuries, Physical Activity Recommendations and Behavior Change Strategies

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Originally Published In

Presented at 2015 Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, USA.


Transcript of Childhood Obesity: Injuries, PA Recs, & Behavior Change

Childhood Obesity: Injuries, PA Recs, & Behavior Change Missouri & Childhood Obesity Obese Definition = Youth (2-19 yrs) BMI 95th percentile Missouri Youth (10-17 yrs) = 28% overweight or obese Nationally - 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese Obese Preschoolers (2-5yrs) are 5X more likely to be obese adults Missouri Preschoolers = 12.9% obese (low income) Childhood obesity costs nationally = $14 billionnually Obese School Aged Children = higher rates of absenteeism & poorer academic performance...
