Exploring Outsourced Vendor Operating Effectiveness and Its Effect on Clients’ Objectives

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Publication Date

Summer 6-17-2015

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The outsourcing decision makers’ shift to the choice of global outsourcing saw a phenomenal growth starting 1980s. Decision makers opting to outsource to vendors without in depth analysis can contribute to 50% failure of their outsourcing initiatives within 5 years. The purpose of our single case study was to explore the components that may contribute to service electronics outsourcing firms’ personnel to perform inadequately in meeting the clients’ claim-processing goals. The proposed results could contribute to improving business by illuminating the components associated with personnel’s inadequate performance in meeting clients’ goals. The implications of social benefit are to motivate outsourcing clients firms’ leaders to monitor the efficiency in outsourced firms to help prevent service-outsourced projects from failing. The success of outsourcing firms could result in increasing employees’ job stability and their contributions to their local economies.

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