Date of Conferral







Stephen Rice


Stroke is a serious illness that requires urgent attention. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether age, ethnicity, gender, and quality of life predict self-efficacy scores in stroke survivors. The theoretical foundation of the study was the social cognitive theory of perceived self-efficacy that was developed by Bandura. There were 4 specific research questions investigated. A correlational research design was used to sample 115 stroke survivors from several Arkansas rehabilitation facilities who completed a pilot study, demographic form, QOL rating scale, and the Daily Living Self-Efficacy Scale (DLSES). Stepwise multiple regression analysis was applied to identify the independent variables that served as significant predictors. The findings revealed that ethnicity, gender, and the quality of life did not predict self-efficacy scores when controlling for all other variables in stroke survivors. The independent variable age was statistically significant for both the QOL rating scale and the DLSELS scores. Age predicted DLSES and the QOL rate scale scores when controlling for all other variables among stroke survivors. This study may promote understanding for stroke survivors, make future research accessible through effective psychologically measured questionnaire interventions, and provide awareness of stroke exposure. This study enabled potentially positive social change through social services. Many issues were identified after stroke and the implications of research for practice were highlighted.
