Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2023


Goal Statement: This portfolio aims to bring awareness and identify strategies and interventions to reduce veteran suicide rates by starting with the problem's source.

Significant Findings: This portfolio focuses on the high rate of U.S. veteran suicide, with 16.8 suicides per day and 51% more likely to die by suicide than non-veterans ("National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report," 2022; Vincent-Roller, 2022). Key findings highlight the complexity of suicide risk across various levels. The portfolio recommends enhancing mental health services, destigmatizing mental health, strengthening social support, and providing tailored interventions like peer support and trauma-informed care for transitioning veterans (Hester, 2017; Holloway, 2004;). Advocacy efforts are crucial for funding, policy support, and awareness campaigns to promote veterans' mental health and resilience (Toporek et al., 2009).

Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps: Enhance veteran mental health services by expanding telehealth options, reducing wait times, and offering evidence-based therapies in collaboration with veterans' networks. Implement a comprehensive transition program for separating veterans, including culturally sensitive peer support groups and trauma-informed counseling. Raise awareness and destigmatize mental health in the military through targeted campaigns with veteran organizations and community-based mental health agencies. Advocate for policy changes and increase funding for veteran mental health services in collaboration with policymakers, veteran advocacy groups, and community leaders. Establish supportive social networks for veterans by partnering with veteran service organizations and local mental health agencies to facilitate peer-to-peer support and community-based activities.
