Date of Conferral


Date of Award



Doctor of Healthcare Administration (D.H.A.)


Health Services


Dr. Matt Frederiksen-England


Within the primary health care setting, addressing patient concerns and complaints effectively is vital to improving patient satisfaction and quality of care. This integrative review provided information on management processes within primary health care settings, demonstrating best practices within the industry for addressing patient complaints. The review included the Donabedian model to provide perspectives on how primary health care leaders handle patient complaints to enhance the quality of care. The review examined the characteristics and effective resolutions of patient complaints and explored how such complaints can be used to enhance the quality of primary health care practices. The integrative review included literature published from 2019 to 2023. Thematic analysis identified five key themes: receive complaints, investigate complaints, resolve complaints, implement improvements, and monitor impact of complaints. The Donabedian model offers valuable guidance for primary health care leaders seeking to effectively handle patient complaints. Leaders in primary health care practices need to proactively devise plans for addressing and managing complaints, because this plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient satisfaction and the overall quality of care provided. The potential impact on positive social change would require leaders in primary health care practices to develop and implement strategies for addressing and improving patient complaints. Doing so, would improve the patient experience and overall patient care.
