Date of Conferral


Date of Award

April 2024


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Caroline Crawford


The problem addressed in this study was the gap in the literature pertaining to Danish 0–9 school leader perceptions, experiences, and efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions during the 2020–2021 shift to online learning, guided by the Danish Ministry of Children and Education’s seven fields of school leadership. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore Danish 0–9 school leader perceptions and experiences of the role of school leadership during the shift from face-to-face to online learning during the 2020–2021 COVID-19 pandemic as guided by the seven fields of school leadership. Edmondson’s psychological safety theory offered a framework for this study. Twelve Danish 0–9 school leaders participated in semi-structured interviews, including three top leaders, three principals, three vice principals, and three teachers who managed collaboration or cooperation of teacher groups during the school lockdowns. Results of inductive coding indicated the lack of a guiding model to support leaders during the crisis, and the value of interpersonal interaction in support of well-being and productive outcomes. Recommendations emphasize leadership engagement on teaching and collaboration. Findings may guide Danish 0–9 school leadership support during periods of institutional change and may endorse an alignment of school leadership competencies.

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