Date of Conferral





Human Services


Gregory Hickman


Researchers have found that transgender women have difficulty accessing appropriate and inclusive services due to inadequate housing placements. The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to explore the experiences of administrators of coed homeless facilities when making housing placement decisions for transgender women. Queer theory provided the theoretical lens for the study. As part of the qualitative generic study design, 10 interviews were conducted via telephone with participants selected through snowball sampling. The interviews were transcribed, and several iterations of thematic analysis were conducted to construct codes, categories, and themes. The findings revealed that there is (a) a lack of policies and training related to service provision for homeless transgender women in residential, coed homeless settings and (b) increased administrator discretion in decision-making when working with transgender women. The results indicate that there is an increased need for inclusive services for homeless, transgender individuals. This research may influence organizational leaders to develop specific policies and resources for the homeless transgender community. The study has the potential to foster positive societal change by encouraging the creation of an inclusive system of care to minimize hardship for transgender individuals experiencing homelessness and build confidence in the performance of administrators serving this population, which may pave the way toward community collaboration.
