Date of Conferral





Criminal Justice


Grace Telesco


Relationships have been identified as a critical component of mental wellness. Law enforcement has been recognized as a profession with high divorce rates and relationship failure, contributing to reduced mental health in law enforcement. By addressing and identifying relationship concerns, issues of suicide, use of force, productivity, and reduced tenure can be addressed. This quantitative study aimed to identify areas of stress contributing to relationship dissatisfaction. The study’s initial focus was to identify if gender impacted satisfaction outcomes. Male and female officers participated equally in completing surveys to identify organizational and operational police stress, romantic partner conflict, and relationship assessment. The results of this study determined that women had increased stress levels both operationally and organizationally, contributing to their reduced relationship satisfaction. The results provided insight into why women often leave law enforcement before retirement or choose not to enter the profession. This study categorizes areas in law enforcement needing addressing. Leadership, mentorship, stress awareness, and mental health were all concerns. By addressing these topics, agencies have the potential for positive social change through reducing stress and, therefore, increasing relationship satisfaction which could, in turn, reduce the negative effect of the law enforcement profession.

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Philosophy Commons
