Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Regan Smith


Forensic nurses are essential in helping forensic mental health patients at an inpatient/outpatient forensic psychiatric health care facility. The practice gap that the forensic psychiatric health care facility experienced was a deficit in knowledge among forensic nurses on the importance of workplace violence and prevention. The practice-focused question guiding the project was to determine if education on the American Nurses Association’s workplace violence and prevention measures would increase forensic nurses’ and staff’s education scores. The purpose of the project was to close the gap by educating nurses and staff on measures to increase a safer environment. The instructional design was the ADDIE Model. The project is quality improvement using the Staff Education Module with a pre and post test to measure the outcome. Privacy wasprotected by using aggregate data; five nurse practitioners and one manager served as the panel of experts and approved the content. Data were collected using a sociodemographic survey to describe the characteristics of 13 (nine females and four males) forensic volunteer nurses, and a 14-item questionnaire anonymous survey gathered data on knowledge about workplace violence and prevention measures. Pretest scores ranged from a high of 65 to a low of 46 (M = 58.62). Posttest scores ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 (M = 64.65) which supports the practice-focused question. A positive social change may be anticipated, since there was a statistically significant increase (t = -2.45024, p = 0.02) in forensic nurses’ knowledge on workplace violence and prevention, which has potential to avoid adverse outcomes.

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