Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Heather Pederson


In early childhood classrooms, there is a lack of consistency in training and support in the implementation of ePortfolios, which may lead to frustration, lack of implementation, and improper use of portfolios as an assessment tool. There is a significant amount of research about teachers using ePortfolios from Grade 3 through higher education, but there is a lack of research about how early childhood teachers implement ePortfolios as an assessment tool. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore how early education teachers perceive the training and support that they receive regarding the implementation of ePortfolios used as an assessment tool in their classrooms. The technological pedagogical content knowledge framework served as the foundation for this study. The research questions focused on how early childhood education teachers perceive the training and support that they receive regarding ePortfolio implementation. Data collected through semistructured interviews with seven early childhood teachers were transcribed and then analyzed thematically. All participants in this study reported they have been using ePortfolios in their classrooms for at least four years or more. Educators noted several different software that they are using with one common software among all but one participant. All participants stated that their district offered optional professional development sessions at district staff development days that they could take. Some of the educators mentioned that there were contacts available if they had challenges or questions and that they could reach out to after the training sessions. The findings of this study may lead to more effective training and support for teachers and more useful implementation of ePortfolios as an assessment tool, which may lead to positive social change for teachers, students, and school communities.
