Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)




Gwendolyn Dooley


The lack of empowerment strategies can cause high employee attrition for small moving company owners and lead to business closures within 5 years. Small moving company owners using effective empowerment strategies can reduce attrition and increase business longevity. Grounded in the transformational theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore empowerment strategies three small moving company owners in California used for sustaining their business beyond 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and company documents, such as logistics instruments, a combined agreement contract for moving services, and a freight bill. Using thematic analysis, the three themes that emerged were (a) leadership styles, (b) management of the business environment, and (c) business owners’ knowledge. A key recommendation for action is for business owners to combine different leadership styles to retain employees. The implications for positive social change include the potential to create employment opportunities in local communities, thus increasing the local economy.

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Business Commons
