Date of Conferral







Deborah Lewis


More and more patients are using health technology to monitor their care and collaborate with their health care team. However, few studies address the patient’s perspective on the benefits of these health technologies. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to explore how health information technology contributes to the quality of care received from the patient perspective. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM's) conceptual framework of quality care informed this study. Five participants were interviewed by telephone and resulting transcripts were coded using Tesch’s eight steps of coding. Themes emerged that were aligned to the six concepts identified by the IOM. From the patient perspective, the themes identified were, including the participants perceived health information technology as providing safe measures of care, impacting the effectiveness of care, providing patient-centered discharge, providing faster access to care and information, working with staff to improve efficiency, and improving the equitability of care. Overall, the patients perceived that health technology had a positive impact on their care. Social change has already occurred from the use of health technology in the areas of better patient outcomes and patient education. The information provided by this study will be shared with my network of peers, health care settings, and educational institutions. With increased awareness of the benefits of health care technology as outlined in this study, increased use of health care technology may continue to lead to improved quality of patient care.

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