Date of Conferral



Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A)


Public Policy and Administration


Mark Starik


Through Invest SVG, a statutory body under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Information Technology, the government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was seeking to develop a policy environment that was conducive to optimal growth for private sector development, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals. The outcomes of such endeavors may include but are not limited to higher levels of employment, revenue generation, and economic growth. In this study, two primary areas were addressed: the regulatory weaknesses for doing business in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, using the criteria outlined in The Ease of Doing Business report, and how Invest SVG can utilize structures and processes to overcome the identified regulatory weaknesses to improve the ease of doing business in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework was a guide for addressing the issues associated with doing business in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. A qualitative approach was used for the study, and secondary data analysis was conducted from an online review of reports, budgetary addresses, books, journal articles, and supplementary literature. Structured interviews with five entrepreneurs were also conducted to add rigor to the study through triangulation. In the study, the business environment was assessed and analyzed based on the development of businesses, the performance of businesses, and the supporting infrastructure for businesses. Using the assessments and analysis, it was determined that positive social change may lead to an enhanced business environment which can be achieved by appropriate investments in human, social, physical, financial, and natural capitals.
