Date of Conferral





Health Education and Promotion


David Brown


Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of childhood injury and death in the United States. Many car seats are installed incorrectly, and many children under the age of 6 are seriously injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age of child, age of parent/caregiver, attitudes, and behaviors of child passenger safety among parents and caregivers in South Carolina. The influence of age and attitude on consistent car seat use was also examined. The study was based on the theory of planned behavior. A survey design featuring questions from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Surveys of 2007 and 2016 was distributed online via social media, email, and the Walden Participant Pool. Data from the sample (N = 72) were analyzed using SPSS v.27.0. Procedures included a logistic regression analysis yielding an adjusted odds ratio, descriptive statistics, and Cronbach’s alpha. Study results indicated that no statistically significant relationship existed between study variables. However, results revealed a higher likelihood of consistent car seat use when attitudes were positive toward child passenger safety. Recommendations include further exploration of influencing factors on car seat use. This study contributes to the growing field of child passenger safety by providing insight on parental and caregiver attitudes about child passenger safety. This knowledge may support targeted education programs that promote child passenger safety knowledge and behavior retention.
