Date of Conferral





Information Systems and Technology


Steven Tippins


As of January 2018, small businesses created 47.5% of private jobs in the United States, but little is known about whether and why small business owners use social media analytics. This topic is important because social media analytics assist businesses in identifying social media effectiveness, gaining new customers, and staying connected with current customers. The purpose of this generic qualitative research study was to explore the use of social media analytics by small business owners, which can increase customer interaction and help monitor company perception and effectiveness. The conceptual foundation used in this study was the technology acceptance model. The study aimed to answer two research questions: “How small business owners use social media analytics” and “If small business owners are not using social media analytics, why are they not using it” A homogenous purposive sampling strategy was used to identify small business owners to interview. Data collection from 18 small business owners occurred during the global pandemic. Coding was used to organize interview data. Key findings of the study were that small business owners perceived social media analytics as beneficial for their business, analytic dashboards were easy to use, social media analytics was time-consuming, and there was a learning curve to interpret the results. A more in-depth study could be created using a larger sample or a different metropolitan area. The findings of this study may affect social change by teaching small business owners how to better understand social media analytics which can help identify opportunities to be social change agents in their communities.
