Date of Conferral







Jason Etchegaray


This study was a quantitative exploration of the relationship between novice secondary teachers’ perceived levels of self-efficacy and their projected responses to specific bullying behaviors. The theoretical foundation was Bandura’s self-efficacy theory. The relationship between novice teachers’ perceived levels of self-efficacy, their reported ability to recognize different types of bullying behaviors, their responses to these bullying behaviors, and importance of a mentoring program were explored in this quantitative study. The sample was a convenience sample consisting of 159 teachers in different school settings in Pennsylvania. Vignettes about different types of bullying behaviors were presented to the participants. Likert scale questions followed each vignette to ascertain perceived level of confidence in dealing with the identified bullying behavior and the participant’s projected likelihood of intervening in the identified situation. Comparisons were made between perceived level of efficacy and importance of formal mentoring. Correlations were found between novice secondary teachers’ levels of self-efficacy and the impact of formal mentoring on novice teachers’ attitudes and actions towards different types of bullying behaviors. Implications for positive social change support increased education for novice teachers related to cyberbullying, modifications to teacher training program curriculums, and implementation of formal mentoring programs.
